I am choosing not to take my own advice. I know, I know I should wait until the child shows interest in the potty before tackling potty training. Yes, I know that trying to push a child into it may cause her psychological damage. I just don't care anymore. Summer is slipping away.
My plan, act like I ran out of diapers. Simple. Possibly genius!
On a side note after her attempt at going potty this morning she received an m&m and I threw a couple in my hot coffee....yummy.
My plan, act like I ran out of diapers. Simple. Possibly genius!
On a side note after her attempt at going potty this morning she received an m&m and I threw a couple in my hot coffee....yummy.
Good luck with that one! I'm so glad my little one got this down by 1 an a half! Whew- it's tough, so here is to many more m&m's in your coffe!
what memories this blog holds for me. My youngest we bribed with Dinobots... I think he was about to be 5 (just kidding) ;-0
thanks for the comment about Oliviers on my blog - it is actually a company out of israel. Olive Oil is the specialty!
Oh my, Dora! 1 1/2! My gosh, that must be a record. My oldest two were three. Both got it right away and we never looked back. I just put underwear on them and they figured it out. Was frustrating the first day, but it worked!
Man 1 1/2, I could have been done with diapers for a year now!!! I wish.....We are doing okay with training I found(wink wink) a diaper last night.
My older one was closer to three when she potty trained I just had it in my head she would THIS summer. That is my downfall most of the time, what I think should happen. The dora potty is great, She loves it.
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