Monday, August 20, 2007

Summer is almost over


But it's still 100 degrees outside.

Yes, but my 3rd grader is about to embark on school once again. This is her last week of vacation. Now we are busy finishing up the last of our summer activities and planning for the year to come. I will miss summer but this is an exciting time of year. I am a compulsive list maker, I love to make plans and organize. I need to clean out the fridge and pantry, we need to organize the closet to make mornings go more smoothly. All things that make me happy.

As the days wind down daughter is working on a painting. She loves to draw and is becoming more talented everyday. I realized I only have 9 more summers with her.

All this planning has me thinking about fall and Christmas. Uh huh, I want to make more gifts this year, last year I started a little too late. I'm in the planning stage and I will be sharing my ideas over the next few weeks. I will definitely be trying this idea for packages. It's from Heather Bailey's blog and I think they are lovely. She offers a tutorial on making these fabric yo-yo's here. My mind is busy thinking of all the things I need to do but thank goodness it's fun stuff. Hope all of you are busy doing fun stuff too.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I can't believe how fast summer went! But I am still not thinking about fall or Christmas because it will be so busy. I am trying to avoid it!